Diy Peony Glass Painting

It’s no secret that glass painting brings me such happiness and joy. I am thrilled to share glass painting tips and techniques in this Peony tutorial. I hope that in creating your own beautiful glass artwork, you also fall in love with the art of glass painting!

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Click here to read my blog post highlighting my favorite glass painting supplies.

Step 1 : Preparing Your Glass for Painting

It’s very important to clean your glass surface beforehand so that the paint adheres to the glass properly.

The use of rubbing alcohol to clean the surface serves two purposes. The first is to clean off any residue or oils from handling. The second is that the alcohol will evaporate completely without residue interfering with paint adhesion to the glass. To clean pour a small amount of alcohol onto a paper towel and rub glass. Let your glass air dry completely before you begin painting.

Step 2: Trace the Peony Pattern

Place your peony pattern under the glass surface. Trace the pattern using Pebeo Vitrea 160 outliner or marker. If you’re a beginner I suggest using Pebeo Vitrea 160 Marker versus outliner. Allow the outline to dry completely before “filling in” with the glass paint.

Outliner Tip: Outliner application can take time and practice to achieve desired look. Apply by holding the outliner tube with a pencil grip and slowly squeezing out the paint.

Step 3: Time to Paint!

“Fill in” outlined areas with choice of glass paint and small, soft bristle paint brush. My favorite are size 0 or smaller round brushes. Mix glass paint and glass paint thinner to make the paint lighter to create an illusion of dimension through out your painting.

Once you are done painting, follow the paint manufacturer’s instructions (found on the bottle) for drying and baking. Add a pretty ribbon and hang your beautiful glass artwork in your window or on your wall!

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this peony pattern glass painting tutorial! I encourage you to experiment and create your own beautiful glass artwork! Please leave any comments and questions in the comment section below.

Disclaimer: I sometimes use affiliate links in my content. If you click them, I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Thanks, Jenny


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